I can't tell you the number of times I've had arguments with my mom and each time it turned out she was right. As annoying as that may be I have to admit that it has also molded me into the woman I am today (in a good way). In fact, the other day I found myself uttering words I never thought I would say.
That's when I realized I was becoming my mother!
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I'm sure you can relate too! Below are some signs you are turning into your mami. Warning: the changes are irreversible.
1.You remind your friends to carry sweaters. I used to not listen when my mom told me to bundle up, but now I find myself telling people they should carry a sweater or I offer them mine.
2. You keep receipts. If you took a peek into my wallet right now, you would see a pile of receipts. To be fair, I keep them in case I need to match up any suspicious charges on my credit card.
3. You're becoming a hoarder. I have useless stuff piling up in my room because in my head I think, I never know when I might need it.
4. You say things like "kids these days." Oh yeah, you're getting older if you start going off about kids today and how they don't have any manners.
5.You don't know today's popular Disney celebs. The other day I had the Disney channel on and I did not recognize one face on the show. I just assume every girl is Selena Gomez. She's still on Disney right?
6. You can't stand the noise on top 40 radio. Rihanna again? You prefer to switch to the classics from your "time."
7. You can't keep up with today's slang. What the heck does "swerve" and "turnt up" mean anyway?
8. You're cleaning more. I don't know if it's a primal thing, but keeping your place clean has now become a priority. This includes cleaning dirty dishes in the sink ASAP.
9. Nutritious meals are important. In college you were fine with a slice of pizza, fries, or PB&J for dinner. Now you actually care about what you put into your body and try to make healthy meals.
10. You remind others to eat. I can't count the number of times I've told my friends and (sometimes) co-workers the importance of not skipping meals.
__11.Doctors appointments are a priority.__You used to let any illness go, but now at the mere sign of a sore throat, you make sure to check in with your doctor.
12. You're budgeting. Long gone are the days when you could spend money mindlessly. Now you have bills to pay and a budget to abide by each month.
13. You go to bed early. You can no longer stay up past 11 without being exhausted and avoid late night plans because you know you'll be tired.
14. You barter. When you negotiate with the store manager for a better deal if the item you're buying has the slightest scratch on it…and win.
15. Your friends call you "mom." I don't know if you can get more obvious than that!
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