Correct me if I am wrong, but when a woman gets pregnant using IVF technology, I imagine that she has had a difficult journey to pregnancy. In vitro fertilization is certainly not the first way someone tries to get pregnant. That's why once someone does get pregnant using IVF it must feel like such a gift. The kind of gift that you want nothing to go wrong with. The last thing you want to hear is that after all you've been through to get pregnant, you are now accidentally pregnant with someone else's biological twins. Ugh, that is exactly what is happening to an Italian woman. It's the stuff of nightmares. Wait until you find out more of the details.
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The woman who is going through this ordeal is now four months pregnant. She found out three months ago that somehow the fertility clinic where she was treated in Rome, implanted embryos into her that were created using someone else's eggs in other words, she is carrying someone else's babies. Genetic testing revealed the implanting mistake.
The Italian Health Ministry has launched an investigation into the operations of Sandro Petrini Hospitaland because obviously something went horribly wrong. That's all well and good, but now there is a pregnant woman who is going to deliver twins that biologically do no belong to her. What does that mean?
Will she get to keep the babies once they are born? Will the babies go to their biological parents, who I'm sure want the babies as well. Oh, it breaks my heart to think of what this woman must be going through. I have no doubt that she is attached to the children that she is carrying.
Buena suerte to all the hearts that are being put to test by this terrible mistake.
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