So here's a juicy chisme we just heard today. Rumor has it Selena Gomez is pregnant with Justin Bieber's baby! But wait, didn't these two JUST get back together? How is Selenita already pregnant? I'm not sure, but apparently there's a sonogram spreading across the internet and it shows two babies–not one– and the patient's name is Gomez, S. So not only is she pregnant but she's having twins? This CAN'T be true!
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Well luckily, it's not. Apparently there's really a sonogram with the patient name Gomez, S. circling around the web, but according to reports it's not actually Selena's. How do we know? Because "hoax" website, eBuzzd is the one that broke the news. They claim that while she was out in Austin, Texas with Justin for the SXSW festival, she was experiencing dizziness and headaches and had a few blood tests done to see if she was pregnant. But Hollywoodlife.com states that none of those reports are actually true. Thank goodness. Could you imagine?
As far as we're concerned Selena and Justin are officially back together but with no plans of making babies anytime soon. Let's hope not anyway. Right now I think their main focus is to work on their relationship. These two have been on-and-off-again as much as Rhianna and Chris Brown. Bieber seems to be doing everything in his power to make things right. He even posted a video of him and Selena performing a choreographed dance to the lyrics of John Legend's "Ordinary People" last week. I figured it was only a matter of time until they got back together AGAIN, but like I said I don't think baby making is in their list of priorities.
I mean it better not be! These two have way too much growing up to do before they can even think about being parents. The Biebz needs to man up, stop acting a fool and stop messing around with random girls. And Selena needs to make sure she's approaching this relationship with a healthy mindset so she doesn't find herself back in the same hole she was last time they broke up. Wishing them the best!
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