When it comes to dressing their kids, every mom has their own preferences. But as Jessica Alba recently pointed out, some children start developing their own sense of style early on! In an interview with People magazine, the 32-year-old actress said that her 5-year-old daughter Honor is ALREADY a mini-fashionista–so much so that Alba confessed she sometimes wishes that the little girl would dress more her age!
"Honor likes wearing heels and dresses," she told the magazine of her older daughter. "I'm like, 'No! [Don't you want to] climb a tree?' "
Well, I'm personally not too surprised, considering Alba herself is such a style inspiration for many. Like mother, like daughter, right? But it seems not everyone agrees, as some parents are actually criticizing Alba for allowing Honor to dress too "adult." So are they right?
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"For sure I see a mini me. I was a tomboy when I was a kid. Honor is like me grown up. It's so bizarre," Alba said of Honor's mature style.
But her remarks have caused some moms to question why Honor is the one calling the shots. "You're her mother … you tell her what to wear," one commenter wrote. Jeez! I can't help but my roll my eyes at this. I mean, does EVERYTHING get you criticized these days?
To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is. After all, times have changed. Girls aren't wearing the overalls and ginormous colored scrunchies I wore when I was Honor's age. That being said, I seriously doubt Alba is buying Honor totally inappropriate, painful 5-inch heels and making her wear them every day. It sounds as if she's simply allowing her daughter to be the girly-girl that she already is–which, to me, is better than forcing her into clothes she hates.
Besides, we see snapshots of Alba and her daughters together all the time and the two girls never look anything but adorable (see proof above)!
Image via Grosby Group