Jacqueline Bracamontes has been very candid thus far about her second pregnancy. She recently revealed that she is expecting a baby girl and even let the public know that the baby will be named Carolina. Bracamontes and her husband Martín Fuentes are over the moon about this second pregnancy. Their journey to parenthood has not been without considerable challenges. Approximately a year ago, they became parents to their gorgeous daughter, Mini Jacky, but sadly baby Jacky's twin brother Martín did not survive.
The 34-year-old Bracamontes has now gone public with her decision to have a Cesarian section at 38-weeks this pregnancy. Why?
Read more ¿Qué más?: Jacqueline Bracamontes opens up about her second pregnancy & what she's doing differently
When she gave birth a year ago it was via C-section and her doctor advised her that if she were to have a vaginal birth this time around, her previous C-section could rupture. Naturally, she is not willing to take that risk.
Jacky, the former Miss Mexico, is currently five months pregnant. She's thrilled that Mini Jacky will soon have a baby sister and is clear that this will not be her last pregnancy. She wants to try for a boy. I wish her and her gorgeous family nothing but the best.
I applaud Bracamontes for being so public about the loss of her son. So many women go through similar circumstances and feel isolated in their pain. I have no doubt that Bracamontes is helping women by sharing her story.
I also applaud her courage. There is no way that after going through the tremendous loss that she went through during her last birthing experience that she can be without worries this time around and yet she seems to be focusing on the joy, as she should.
Image via jackybrv/Instagram