Teaching your children the dangers of things such as drugs, alcohol, and talking to strangers seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes they need a refresher course. This especially applies if they are at that innocent age when they are believe that everyone is good. That's why I couldn't help but love this adorable video of a mom teaching her daughter the dangers of talking to strangers.
Considering the number of crazies we hear about on a daily basis, I don't think it's a bad idea at all!
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The video shows the mom depicting different scenarios to her toddler in which a stranger might talk to her. She starts off by asking her what she would do if a man approached her and said he had cookies. Like most children the little girl was excited over the idea of getting a special treat, but mom makes sure to remind her that she should ALWAYS say NO!
She poses another question in which a strange man offers to take her swimming. Again, she says she'd say, Yay! But the mom quickly reminds her to say no and to never trust a strange man. She repeats these scenarios again with cookies and ice cream until her daughter gets it. By the end of the video, it looks like this tough chick has it down and I'm sure she'll know what to say if some strange man were to ever approach her.
It's so important that parents teach these life skills to their children while they are still young. With all the information they have access to at their fingertips, parents leave it to the internet to teach their kids, when their firsthand source should always be them. It doesn't hurt to remind your children that they should never talk to strangers even if they already know they shouldn't. Check out this little girl learning this lesson in life from her mom below!
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/xS0XiOLW_Qk
Image via YouTube