3 Ways to get over the baby blues

I hope you and you familia are all well! I have been very busy trying to do everything at the same time. I have returned to work but I'm still trying to breastfeed my 3-month-old Toñito at least half of the time, keep up with his older sister Skye who's in her last year of college and still living at home, get the romance back with my hubby, and being a good friend and family member to rest of the people in my life! OMG I find that I have a case of the baby blues!

But I've figured out ways to overcome it and I want to share those with you today.

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1. The first step is admitting you have the baby blues. It is certainly difficult for me to admit I'm suffering from such a thing especially since I'm such a typical Latina with a big ego who feels like I can handle anything and everything and all at the same time. I have been feeling like I'm trying to do everything but not doing anything particularly well. It's not just the feeling of being pulled in a million directions or not having enough hours in the day to accomplish what I think I should. I feel a little lost. Like I have lost a little of myself, my own identity and like I'm alone the only one feeling this way. My head knows I'm not the only one who feels some form of postpartum blues, but my heart has been feeling a little heavy lately.

2. Tell someone. It was really hard for me to admit that I was feeling blue. I felt very guilty about it. Here I had this beautiful baby boy, beautiful 21-year-old daughter in her last year of college, a wonderful hubby, amazing family and friends, and still I was feeling blue. But I knew that I had to tell someone because it wasn't just about me–I have a responsibility to be healthy and happy for all the people who love and count on me. I told my hubby and he suggested that I go to therapy.

3. Do something physically active! One of my therapist's best suggestions was to become physically active. Anything that challenges you and raises your heartbeat for at least an hour will make you feel so much better. Physical activity helps with stress and can be that much needed hour in your day where it's just about you and you can focus on just your task at hand. I started going to Better Body Bootcamp, Spinning, and I feel great. It gives me an opportunity to just do something for me. It's not only helping me with weightloss, but it's helping me cope with stress. It's also something I do for me that can help me get back to a better version of me before baby. Both places are filled with super friendly people and other moms that have similar goals. So stop making excuses do something for yourself!!

I love my baby boy. He's 3 months old now and I am truly blessed. I am very lucky that I have my family's and friends' support in every way. I do have my days where I truly struggle. Juggling family career friends isn't easy and sometimes I feel like I am failing. But knowing I am not alone in this feeling does help me and I'm truly grateful for the MamásLatinas community for letting me express my feelings interests and opinions through my blogs. Please if you are feeling blue and have a heavy feeling of hopelessness, please, please, please tell someone! There's no shame in asking for help. All of you help me every day, so thank you!

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Image via Paula Garces