Telling your kids that you're pregnant again and that they're about to become an older sibling can be tricky because it's impossible to predict how they're going to respond. Are they going to scream out of joy or cry in dismay? You just never know!
And sharing the baby news is just half the battle. What about when it comes to tell them what kind of sibling they're having, a young brother or sister? That announcement is a whole another dilemma that is sure to spark an emotional reaction, both good and bad! Still, while you might not know exactly how they'll respond, you can be sure it'll be a moment you'll never forget–a moment that many parents have (luckily) captured on tape for the rest of us to enjoy!
Below, check out these five videos of kids' hilarious reactions when they find out they're getting a younger sibling!
Read more ¿Qué más?: SEE Little boy get super emotional listening to "Say Something"
1. This little girl FREAKS out when she finds out she's getting a baby brother, instead of a sister!
[See more US News from ABC](http://abcnews.go.com/us?cid=11_extvid1)|[ABC World News](http://abcnews.go.com/international?cid=11_extvid2)
2.Two sisters react after their parents reveal that they're having twins on a cake! But the cake just looks too delicious to ignore for one sister…
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIdACalwk-M
3. When this brother and sister duo find out they're about to get a younger sibling, they have very different (but both priceless!) reactions.
4. These two parents presented their daughter with a T-shirt that said, "I'm the big sister" and had her slowly sound out the letters until she could formulate the words and read them out loud. When she finally realizes what it means, her reaction is so sweet, it almost made me cry!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQXTMPsOee0#t=242
5. When these parents tell their four boys, they're finally getting a little sister, they're thrilled … well, MOST of them, anyway.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ALBBJHn7vY
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