When raising a bilingual child, you need all the help you can get. Luckily, in an age when we pretty much do everything online, you can access a lot of resources to help you in your journey via the internet. And believe, you're going to need them!
Today, I'd like to share 4 sites that you should check out if you're raising bilingual children because I'm sure you'll find them pretty useful.
1. Multilingual Living: This wonderful site got started as a magazine 10 years ago. I'll never forget when I first found it back when my daughter was a toddler and I was impressed by all the awesome information it provided me with regarding the topic of raising bilingual children. For the last few years, it's all available online too. The best part is that it doesn't really matter which language pairs your children are growing up with.
2. LL4L: Also known as Latinas for Latino Literature, this is a literacy site geared towards Latinos. With programs such a summer reading program for Latino kids and a living list of Latino authors and illustrators, it's definitely worth checking if your looking for quality literature and tips for you niños.
3. Bilingual Monkeys: One of the things I like the most about this site is that its creator is always coming up with original ways of looking at the topic of raising bilingual children. I particularly like his lists and his infographics. This one on the "11 signs you've run into a little trouble raising bilingual kids" is pretty funny, but right on mark.
4. Colorín Colorado: This is another literacy website that has been around for a while and is chock-full of great recommendations and even better advice. Best of all, it's available in both English and Spanish.