Oh my gosh can you imagine going into labor with twins right around New Years? Everyone else is out partying or at home snoozing into the new year and you are about to pop out not one, but two babies? What a way to end a year and start a new one, right? Well, something pretty amazing happened to two different women in two different countries who both happened to be pregnant with twins. It's pretty cool and makes me hope that some day these women and their offspring get to meet, because I don't think they'll ever come across anyone else who has such a similar birth story. I think you'll agree it's pretty amazing.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Newborn twins hold hands minutes after birth and it's BEAUTIFUL! (VIDEO)
On December 31, 2013 at 11:58 p.m., at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, in Washington, D.C., Yaleni Santos Tohalino gave birth to Lorraine Yaleni Begazo, who weighed at 6 pounds, 4.9 ounces. Then on January 1, 2014, at 12:01 a.m., Lorraine's twin brother Brandon Ferdinando Begazo was born weighing 5 pounds, 10.4 ounces. That means these twins were born in two separate years. I mean what are the chances of that happening?
Well in Toronto, Canada something super similar went down. On December 31, 2013, at 11:52 p.m., Lindsay Salgueiro gave birth to Gabriela Salgueiro who came into the world weighing 7 pounds on the nose at Trillium Health Partners-Credit Valley Hospital. Then on January, 1, 2014 at 12:00:38 a.m Grabiela's fraternal twin sister Sophia was born weighing in at 5 pounds 15 ounces.
Tell me that two sets of twins in two different countries being born in two different years isn't kinda sorta amazing?
The mothers and both sets of twins are doing well. Congratulations to all!
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