As a mother to a brand-new baby, the easiest thing in the world is forgetting to take care of yourself. But aside from feeding your baby, it's probably the most important thing for you to do. Labor and delivery can wreak havoc on your body, whether you had a caesaeran section or a regular vaginal birth, and you will need to heal and recover. While you're sore and uncomfortable it will be hard to focus on day-to-day tasks, but once you feel better physically, you will be able to really tune into your newborn and find some sort of rhythm for your first few months together. You baby (and your significant other) will be happier and more content once mom is, so be sure to put your own well-being on the top of your priorities list.
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Here you'll find a list of items that will speed along the healing process and make you a lot more comfortable.
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Nursing Tanks

In the first few days when your breast may be engorged and your entire body is puffy, you'll want to be as comfy as possible. And since your baby will likely be nursing very frequently, you'll want to have easy access to your breasts. A couple of these nursing tanks from Target are perfect. They're even cute enough to wear out to doctor's appointments and quick shopping trips. Gilligan & O'Malley Nursing Cami, $19.99
Granny Panties

Again, comfort is key. Get a few pairs of extra roomy, stretchy and inexpensive panties to rotate during the first couple of weeks. Whether you have a C-section or vaginal birth, you will have soreness in the lower part of your body and you will bleed, so you want to have undies that have lots of coverage, do not constrict and that you don't mind tossing in the trash later. Hanes Boy Brief Panties 3-Pack, $7.99
Maxi Pads

These Infinity maxi pads from Always are soft like cotton and are super-absorbent, which will help you feel fresh and dry even during the heaviest of bleeding days. They honestly feel like you are wearing nothing at all. Remember that it's normal to bleed at least some for up to six weeks, so be well stocked. Always Infinity, $5.29 for 16
Hemorrhoid Pads

Even if you don't get hemorrhoids post-partum, Tucks pads are very soothing on the perineum in the event that you have stitches from a tear or episiotomy, which are very common, especially for first pregnancies. Trust me, it wil feel glorious each time you use a fresh one of these. Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads, $4.99
Sitz Bath

LIFESAVER. My hospital sent me home with a Sitz bath and I swear by it for healing. The nurses will instruct you on how to use one, but basically, you want to fill it with very warm water and soak your booty in it for 10 to 20 minutes a few times a day. Not only will it give you some much-needed alone time, but the increased circulation will help your baby maker heal a A LOT faster. Do not skip this! Sitz Bath, $14.79
Breast Shells

Breast shells are inserted into your bra between nursing sessions to improve airflow and reduce friction which will help chapped, sore nipples heal between feedings and increase your comfort level dramatically. They look funny, but if used properly and often, they really help decrease breast issues in the early days of nursing. Medela TheraShells, $13.49
Nipple Cream

Start using your nipple cream of choice as soon as possible after your baby's very first feeding–use it frequently and use it diligently. I like lanolin or coconut oil. Just apply gently to the entire nipple areola after each feeding or whenever you feel any discomfort. It will help keep your nipples moisturized and may prevent cracking and will also heal any cracks that have already developed. Lansinoh lanolin, $9.48
Pre-Natal Vitamins

Because your hormones are still at of whack and you will likely be forgetting to eat pretty often in the first few weeks, it's important to your overall health that you continue to take your pre-natal vitamins. This is especially true if you're nursing since your body will still be providing 100 percent of your baby's nutrition. NatureMade Multi Prenatal, $10.19
Water Tumbler

It is super important to stay hydrated. Your body will have a lot harder of a time recovering from childbirth if it isn't getting enough water, and just like when you were pregnant, you still need a lot more water than you think after giving birth. Keep a large tumbler filled at all times, especially if you're nursing–it will give you more energy and help milk production. Tervis Water Tumbler, from $16