I just found out a good friend of mine is pregnant with her first child, and we spent a good part of our conversation talking about how she kind of had a feeling she was expecting even before she took the test that confirmed it. I knew exactly what she was talking about because I felt the same way. I mean, it's hard to tell for sure when you get pregnant for the first time because everything is so new, but there are some definite early signs that are pretty universal.
So if you think you're pregnant, but it's still too early to take a test to confirm it, you may want to be on the lookout for these early signs of pregnancy.
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1. Breast swelling: Although I wasn't completely sure the first time around, I was convinced I was pregnant the second time when my breasts seemed bigger and the veins on my chest were more visible. For some women, the change in their breasts can be painful, but not for all. And while you might confuse it with PMS, this feels actually different.
2. Fatigue: This and my breasts getting bigger out of nowhere were the two most obvious early signs that I was pregnant. I used to get so tired in the early afternoons that I felt like I could go to sleep until the next day without a problem. As I told my friend, your body is getting ready for what's ahead and you should listen to it.
3. Weird cravings: This happened to me with my first pregnancy almost immediately, but not with my second one. More than a week before I took a pregnancy test and realized I was expecting, I started craving jalapeños like crazy. I would eat them like a maniac as if they were going to disappear from planet earth.
4.Shortness of breath: You'll notice this when you're going up the stairs, for example. I'm not talking about not being able to breath, this is more like you get winded and you're not really sure why. Your growing embryo needs oxygen, so it takes it away from you, so that's why you feel this way.
5. Bloating: You eat a little something and all of a sudden you feel as if you just had the biggest meal of your life.
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