I hope you're all doing well, mamacitas. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant! Here's what I've got going on at the moment: sleepless nights (¡no duermo!), weight gain (estoy grande), heartburn, backaches (ouch!), and anxiety about giving birth. With all of this on my mind, I need to de-stress, so I decided to focus on one of the BEST things about having a baby–creating the nursery!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 5 Beauty & style tips to look your prettiest during pregnancy
And since I've already had my baby shower, it's time for me to put all of those lovely and beautiful gifts to use and make the PERFECT baby room for my new bundle of joy! Here's a look at my baby's soon-to-be nursery AND some helpful tips to help you design/create yours, mujeres
1. Start with a blank canvas! I asked my husband to remove all of the boxes and furniture out of the room and I kicked things off with just a plain white empty room (This helped me visualize all of the things I wanted for the nursery, instantly removing all of the clutter from my mind).
2. Add a personal touch. I wanted to personalize my baby boy's room in a special way and my hubby came up with a great idea: He asked artist Christina Krati (the illustrator of my upcoming Children's book "Jose and Coqui") to come by and draw a mural for us on the wall behind the crib. The upcoming book was inspired by our baby boy, so it was only fitting to have "Jose and Coqui" featured in his bedroom, as his companions, while our little angel sleeps in his crib. I LOVE it! Every time I walk into the nursery and see it, I smile. So, make sure to put YOUR personal touches into the nursery by putting up photos and monogramming frames, pails, blankets, etc., with the baby's name. We did that as well!
3. Ask your friends for help. My mother Victoria, my sister Vanessa and my mother-in-law Carmen all came over and helped me put all of the clothes away and helped me organize them by size. We washed all of the clothing and blankets with a detergent that was suitable for babies (newborn skin-friendly) and while it took a long time to do, we had so much fun because everything smelled so good and baby-fresh and everything was so CUTE! It really was a magical time!
4. Build the crib with your partner. My hubby Antonio and I built the crib and the drawer/changing table together (well, my husband did the labor and I told him where to place things, lol!). But nonetheless, it was something we worked on together and we had a blast!
5.Keep it simple. The less clutter you have, the better the air quality for your baby! Also, if you keep it simple, the room will look prettier and more sophisticated. That said, you need to have a few essentials in the room: a crib, a changing table/dresser, some shelves, picture frames, a lamp, an area rug, linens and baby blankets, a diaper pail, a chair, a coat rack and small stuffed animals (none in the crib!) and some baby books…
I hope you like the baby's nursery. I love it! Also, please share pics of you nursery or baby room(s) with me! And tell me about your experience in the comments: Did you have a boy or a girl? Did you build/design the nursery with your hubby? Was it fun?
Mamacitas, thank you for all of your love and support. Hasta la proxima!
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Instagram @therealpaulagarces
Besitos, Paula
Images courtesy of Antonio Hernandez