I'm not goint to lie. I get a bit jealous when I see a pregnant woman or one with a newborn baby–especially now that my youngest son is 4 1/2 years old and will be going to Kinder in the fall. Even though I may go a bit crazy some times thinking that I should have another child, I know deep down inside that my family is complete. But once in a while I still have to remind myself why having another baby would be a really bad idea …
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1. Starting all over again. As I said before, my little one is on his way to Kinder this fall, so having a baby would mean starting from the beginning all over again. Just thinking about it makes my head spin.
2. Sleepless nights. I got super lucky with my kids who slept through the night pretty early on, but we still had a ton of sleepless nights and I honestly couldn't see myself doing that all over again. My kids are now at an age when they don't wake me up when they do, which means I get to sleep in on weekends … and that's priceless!
3. Changing diapers. Argh! How I hated this baby task! Most people don't care, but it truly annoyed me–especially as my kids got older and their poop got bigger. And then, there's potty training, of course, which I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
4. I'm not in my 30s anymore. I know there's nothing wrong with having a baby in your 40s, but I don't think I'd have the energy required to be on 24/7 with a newborn baby. Plus, I feel like I was already older when I had my two kids and I really don't want to be raising kids into my 60s.
5. Our family feels complete. It may sound kind of corny, but it's how I feel. My kids, a boy and a girl, are three years apart and they get along wonderfully. My family of four is just the perfect size and I believe we're all happy just the way we are.
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