The first time you're pregnant, every little thing out of the ordinary can be cause for alarm. Trying to figure when to call your doctor with your concerns can be difficult, especially when you get all kinds of conflicting information online. While not everything requires immediate attention, some things do and you should know what they are so you don't waste any time getting the medical treatment you need.
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1. Fainting: The most common cause of fainting while pregnant is dehydration, but you should still let your doctor know when it happens, particularly if you also have a headache that won't go away.
2. Bleeding: I'm not talking normal, regular spotting. This is more like moderate to heavy bleeding, especially if accompanied by a fever, pain and/or chills.
3. Vomiting: There's morning sickness and then there's severe nausea and vomiting like the kind Kate Middleton had when she was pregnant, which sent her to the hospital. If yours is unbearable, pick up the phone and call your doctor.
4. No movement: I don't know how to stress the importance of this one. Once you figure out what's a movement and what's not, you must also know that if you don't feel your baby moving at least 10 times within a two hour period, you MUST call your doctor.
5. Swelling: Water retention will cause some swelling during your pregnancy and that's normal. What's not normal is for your hands and face to swell significantly and all of a sudden during your second and third trimester. If it happens, call your doctor, it could be a sign of preeclampsia.
6. Vaginal discharge: If you're towards the end of your pregnancy, a steady flow of vaginal discharge can mean your water has broken. But if it happens before week 37, it could be a sign of preterm labor.
7. Fever: Anything higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit should have you calling your doctor immediately. High fevers can be detrimental to your fetus at the beginning of your pregnancy and they can even cause you to miscarry.
*Image via Thinkstock
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