Kids reveal the surprising, hilarious ways they would spend $100 (VIDEO)

When I was a kid, there were a few times in my life when I was given what to me seemed like a huge wad of money. Someone once gave me $100 in one dollar bills. I was so excited and just carried that wad around in my purse thinking of all the possibilities. Unfortunately, I didn't get to spend it. Yes, Mom, I'm calling you out! My mother spent it instead of me. Boo!!! In her defense, she was a single mom strapped for cash and I have no doubt the money did somehow benefit me in the way of food or a roof over my head. Still, have you ever wondered how kids would spend $100?

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I love this cute video that asks random young kids how they would spend $100. You can see that some of them really don't have any concept of how much $100 dollars is, except for the one kid that isn't impressed because he says he already has a $100. I may have to hit that kid up for a loan.

If I had a $100 that wasn't pre-spent or earmarked for anything and was just meant to be fun money, I would probably spend it on a pair of shoes. Typical, right? Well, these adorable kids are not as boring as I am and have much more interesting plans to for their imaginary $100. Check it out and then you might want to ask the kids in your life what they would spend $100 on. My eldest would buy bunk beds with it.

Image via USAToday