Prior to ever being pregnant, I naively thought that if I ever had a child I would love my post-partum body no matter what it looked like. I was convinced that knowing that my body created and sustained life would make me feel awesome about it, even if it was jiggly and riddled with stretch marks.
Turns out, that hasn't really been the case. When I discovered stretch marks along the underside of my belly late in my third trimester I ugly cried–several times. In the week after my son's birth, I was completely astonished by the misshapen gelatin-like mass my belly had transformed into, and honestly, I avoided looking at my body in the mirror for the first few months. In general, I wasn't too hard on myself about it, but there were insecurities.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 5 Ways my body changed after labor & delivery that totally shocked me
Actually, even though I've somehow managed to drop the baby weight, there still are horrible insecurities. Those stretch marks aren't going anywhere and I definitely have the mommy jiggle. But now, a year later, I am mostly proud of my body. In no small part thanks to images like those featured in Jade Beall's upcoming book A Beautiful Body project. Beall's book features images of more than 50 pregnant and post-partum women, all of whom volunteered themselves–and they are just gorgeous. And if I can look at other women and appreciate the strength and beauty of their post-baby forms, I can certainly find a way to see the same in myself. Check out some of her images in the slideshow below:
Image via Facebook
Post-Partum Belly

This image is particularly striking to me, simply because it is so familiar and while I criticize the very same imperfections in myself, I find this mom's curves and even her stretch marks to be gorgeous.
A Mom and Her Boys

This woman is just radiating beauty and confidence and her sons are such a clear reflection of that. Even though they are pre-teen/teen boys posing for a photo with their semi-nude mom, they don't appear the least bit uncomfortable. They will surely grow up to be men who appreciate women both inside and out.
Pregnant and Glowing

I wasn't brave enough to show quite this much skin in my maternity photos, but this shot kind of makes me wish I had. This mama is simply stunning.
Nursing Nearly Nude

I'll admit that I am among the legions of women who have taken pictures of myself while nursing. Nursing my son was usually a peaceful time, one that I feel is worth commemorating. In fact, my husband once took one and immediately posted it to Facebook (I was completely covered). I was initially mortified, but he convinced me it was fine. But to do what this woman did? I simply don't have the courage. Kudos, mama!
C-Section Scar

It's not often one gets a glimpse of a C-section scar. Obviously, they are pretty near the nether regions and generally off-limits for public viewing. What a brave mother to reveal hers to the world.