During her interview with Diane Sawyer, Amanda Knox, the American college student studying abroad who served four years in an Italian prison for murdering her roommate, said that "everything she ever posted online, every boyfriend in her life, came back to haunt her." The stories she shared with "friends" on social media about her feeling "proud" about her one-night stands and marijuana "vice" further reinforced the images that the Italian press were creating, branding her a "seductress" and "a sexual thrill-seeker." She said that she wants "to be reconsidered as a person."
Read more ¿Qué más?: Truth be told: Moms need to remember they were young once too
Regardless of whether you believe that she's guilty or not, as a mom I can't help think about the topic that often dominates my conversations with my 17-year old daughter. I tell her that her Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter images are conveying a one-dimensional and not so positive message on who she really is. She's not posting about what she's learned in her AP classes, how well she's done in school, her take on the latest book she's read, the myriad of cuisines she's sampled over the month or other topics that add depth to who she is. Her stories and pictures are focused on her scantily clad (stunning) body, the parties, the underage drinking and many of the aspects that define a normal teen. Yet, what do her posts say to the hundreds of "friends" who follow her or want to get to know her?
I've been monitoring my kids' online behavior since they created Facebook profiles five years ago. Although it's gotten harder to keep up with their behavior on all of their social platforms–Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine and others I don't even know about. I find that the hardest thing as a parent is not monitoring their behavior but rather determining what is "acceptable" in this new age of technology and what crosses the line?
I don't want my constant talks to backfire! All I can do is bring my perspective and thoughts to their attention to make them think. What message are you sending the girls who are looking at your profile as they consider you as a college roommate? What will your employer say now that you're working? Did you know that even if you delete your history, the pics and messages you post online will be accessible forever? What do the stories and images you post say about the real you who we all know and love?
Image via Getty Images