Having experienced labor, childbirth and recovery, I can say with certainty that many expensive kits out there DO NOT include everything you need to feel human again after pushing a watermelon out of your vagina. They just don't. I'm sorry, but I was perfectly fine in the hospital gown and my cheapo robe from Target. What I really wanted after 24.5 hours of labor was to take a hot shower and to wash my face and moisturize with something other than the industrial-strength hospital stuff.
If you're interested in pre-packed hospital bag kits and you're looking for a little more function than form, check out these three cost-effective and practical options:
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Push Pack. For $55, Push Pack offers all of the real essentials: natural shampoo, conditioner and body wash, shaving supplies, toothpaste and toothbrush, mints, organic nipple cream, breast pads, maxi pads and more. It's all packed neatly in a small, zippered toiletry bag that you or your partner can keep in the car, so there's no chance of forgetting it come go-time.
Duffle Your Bag. Duffle Your Bag ups the ante a bit with their Standard Labor Mom Bag, which for $69.95 includes a custom duffle bag, terry cloth robe, slippers, toiletries and even a going-home outfit and stuffed toy for the baby, along with lots of other goodies.
__Babytime Bags. __Now, if you are looking for a truly inclusive kit and you're willing to spend a little more so that you don't have to worry about having to pick up items that might not be included in the small sets, for $195, Babytime Bags offers the bb Luxe kit, which features organic toiletries, a Modal cotton robe, massage oil, a hand massager, games and puzzles, thank-you notes and pretty much everything else you could need to be comfortable throughout labor and recovery.
Image via busymomboutique.com