The sex-education book, Where Do You Come From?,__ that has been circulating in German elementary schools has some parents' panties up in a bunch. The book, which was published in 1991 by a German publishing house in cooperation with a family planning organization, is indeed very educational about sex as it shows a couple in various stages of arousal. It is also a tad on the racy side and has VERY EXPLICIT illustrations.
First-graders at an elementary school in a Berlin neighborhood where shown the book and parents complained about the racy content. The school did nothing about it until it was reported in the local press and the city-state's administrative body started receiving complaints. Are the parents overreacting? Maybe not.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Sexual education is fundamental for our kids
I can totally see why parents would be upset about it being shown to children, especially younger children. I mean just looking at the pictures, some of which illustrate the couple Lisa and Lars putting on a condom, having intercourse and then "when it's so good that it can't get any better, Lisa and Lars have an orgasm," leave me wanting to smoke a cigarette and I've never been a smoker!
Not all the illustrations in the book are questionable; some are totally appropriate for kids. Take a look-see yourself and make up your own mind if the illustrations for Where Do You Come From? are appropriate for elementary school-aged children. Make sure your own kids aren't around when you look, though, because once they've seen the pictures, they can't un-see them.
Image via Thinkstock
Anatomy of arousal

Lars seems good to go in this illustration.
Introducing condoms

I do think it's great to bring up the use of condoms, not so sure they need to be brought up with such specific imagery, though.
Not bad

This image is not bad. Nothing too racy here.
How babies are born

This image depicting birth also doesn't seem too explicit, in my opinion.

This one is just downright sweet!