I am not what many would consider a traditional mother and I know I'm not alone. When it comes to buying someone like me gifts for Mother's Day, I won't hate you if you get me flowers or candy, but I might just maybe like some other things better. I know it's not easy when you have a nontraditional mother to shop for, but it's also not as hard as you would think.
Just think about the person you are giving the gift to. Does the woman who hates to do housework really want a vaccum cleaner no matter how nice it is? Does the mother who struggles to get dinner on the table because she doesn't like cooking all that much really want a fancy frying pan to remind her of her failures in the kitchen?
Read more ¿Qué más?: What all moms REALLY want for Mother's Day
You can most certainly go the route of showing the unconventional mother you are celebrating that she is cared for by giving her a day off to spend doing whatever she wants to do or writing her an epic poem that you recite while she eats breakfast in bed (after having slept in, of course) that you lovingly prepared
It's not just a purse

Do you see this beautifully vibrant bag? Please do not make the mistake of thinking it is just a purse. Oh no! It is actually a camera bag, that doubles and a diaper bag, that triples as just an everyday purse. Kelly Moore, Songbird ($199)
TOMS, not heels

Like many moms, I love me some shoes, but not heels. I want TOMS. Think of them as the perfect shoes for the urban hipster mom. The best part is that for every pair bought, one pair is donated to a child in need of shoes. What mom wouldn't appreciate that? TOMS Moms ($54)
Canon T4i

This is not an inexpensive gift. I realize that, but a mother can dream can't she. This camera will thrill any mother that has even a passing interest in photography and she will reward the entire family by taking gorgeous pictures of everyone that will be treasured for years to come. Canon T4i with lens ($1,449)
Jewelry, not jewels

See this big, ginormous ring? I love it and so will many other untraditional mothers. I don't need expensive jewels and I stay away from diamonds because I have no idea who was harmed in the procurement process, but give me some faux statement jewelry and I'm in heaven. Bernadine's Extra Large Square Dome Ring ($94)
Magic in a jar!

Egyptian Magic is absolutely magical. It is a thick luxurious moisturizer made out of honey, beeswax, olive oil, royal jelly, bee pollen, and bee propolis. It can be used as a face cream, eye gel, hair de-frizzer, balm, and so much more. Egyptian Mgaic 4-ounce jar ($37.20)