Everyone already knows that kids say the darndest things, but it turns out they are even funnier in writing–test writing, to be exact. Apparently when it comes to writing in answers on their exams, students like to make their sense of humor know. Enter the round-up below, which chronicles 10 of the most hilarious test answers we've EVER seen. Check it out below and enjoy!
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Beer Law

Technically, that is a real beer law. It's an easy mistake!
She's a woman

Here's a hint: sexism is never the right answer.
Lonely cells

Ha! That's one way of looking at it.

Aw! Clearly this student is a romantic.
Hunger Games

Pop culture at its best, folks.

Well, that's definitely true! Always say no to animal cruelty.
Find x

Makes sense to me! Then again, I've never been a math person.

Somehow, I don't think that's what the teacher was looking for.
Abe Lincoln

Hey, it would've been good advice!

Is there anything that "Single Ladies" doesn't apply to?