Hollywood wild child Lindsay Lohan is making headlines again this week after reports that she confirmed her pregnancy via Twitter. Lohan took to her account yesterday telling everyone that she was expecting (yes, a baby). However many are spectacle because it was on April Fools Day and Lohan was last seen slumped under a table at a nightclub in Brazil–behaving the opposite of a mother-to-be.
Um, really Lindsay? Please say it isn't so…
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The tweet which Lohan sent out from her official page read: "It's official. Pregnant." This sent the media world into frenzy with the idea that the notorious troublemaker might be ready to settle her wild life down. The message was also re-tweeted by more than 10,000 users making us wonder whether Lohan was really pulling our leg OR if there could be some truth to her message.

__Lohan has also reportedly started dating City of the Sun guitarist, Avi Snow, who friends say has a good head on his shoulders and will hopefully be a good influence on her. But the other issue is that Lindsay is nowhere in her life ready to be a mom after being sentenced to rehab for 90 days after her latest jail stint. For the record, Lohan has AT LEAST six mugshots and shortly served time in jail for her many run ins with the law.
For now, it's still a mystery whether Lohan might finally be changing her ways to become a mother or if she was just among the many other women claiming that they were pregnant on the most deceptive of days. It WAS still April 1 out on the west coast, even though the speculation is made even heavier because it was April 2 many other places. Hopefully it isn't true as it couldn't be clearer that Lohan needs to get herself together before committing to caring for another life. I mean, being pregnant and in a rehab facility is not a good look for anyone let alone the troubled star.
Update: Just as we suspected, Lindsay Lohan confirmed the tweet rumor is false! Thank God, I don't think the world is ready for Lohan to become a mom just yet…
Image via Lindsay Lohan/ Twitter