Every mom has been through it. You're out and about with your kids when suddenly one of them starts crying and throwing full-fledged tantrum right in the middle of the very public place you're in. Well, as of recently, that would get you booted out of Australian shopping center, Dee Why Grand.
That's right, the mall has introduced a new policy that officially bans noisy kids!
Apparently, th__e rule comes as a result of numerous complaints__ that the administration has received about out-of-control children. According to the center's manager, Brenda Mulcahy, the main problem area is in the food court, where she says young children are constantly yelling and "running amok."
A notice has been put up, informing patrons of the new policy. It reads:
"Parents please be considerate of other customers using the food court. Screaming children will not be tolerated in the centre."
As expected, some moms and dads are none too happy with the ban, saying that it shows a lack of empathy for parents. But honestly, I don't think it's that horrible of an idea.
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Before anyone jumps down my throat, I should clarify that I do think there are plenty of flaws with this rule. First of all, how exactly will they be enforcing this rule? Is there going to be some kind of time limit on how long kids can scream before it's considered disturbing? What about the kids who calm down relatively quickly? And what happens in a situation in which a child got injured or actually had a reason to scream?
Plus, I feel like the truth is there's no real way to ban kids from screaming. I mean, they're kids. It's not like they come with a remote control or a mute button.
Still, there is one big reason why I think this could actually be a great idea and here's why: For every responsible, dedicated parent who teaches their kids the proper way to behave and punishes them when they get too far out of line, there are six more that refuse to admit that their child is ever in the wrong. When it comes to young babies who are just fussy and in need of a nap, that's one thing. But I can't tell you how many times I've been out at a restaurant or in a store and a kid of toddler age or slightly older has been screaming and running all over the place while the parent just stands idly by, acting as if the child is invisible. Meanwhile, everyone else's eardrums are bleeding. It's so frustrating!
If a parent is genuinely trying to keep their kids in control or takes them outside until they calm down, I see no reason why they should be prohibited from going about their business. But parents who don't even try to discipline their kids are a problem for everybody around them. At least, this rule will force them to be a little more mindful.
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