There are certain things that everyone has a hard time pronouncing. Remember all those tongue twisters you tried to say three times fast as a kid? I still can't do that with some of the really tricky ones! That's why I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the video of this adorable two-year-old girl attempting to recite (the basically impossible) Peter Piper nursery rhyme!
In the clip, a dad tries to teach his daughter, Ada, the nursery by reciting it out loud for her slowly. The toddler listens and then tries her best to repeat the saying back to him…but as you can probably imagine, it doesn't go all that smoothly for little Ada. Despite her dad's efforts, the little girl immediately starts stumbling over her words, saying something along the lines "Pecka Picka Peeka." At some point, it seems as if she gives up on words and just starts making random noises!
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Haha, so cute! Hey, you gotta at least give her credit for making a decent effort–that particular rhyme IS really tricky! There are plenty of adults out there (including myself) who still find it difficult to say. Besides, she's so freakin' cute that it doesn't even matter what she's saying.
Watch Ada's version of "Peter Piper" here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pDmU3sqhvw&feature=player_embedded
Image via YouTube