Is Teen Mom Farrah Abraham for real? I mean, how dumb can you be? Waxing and plucking a 3-year-old because you think she has a unibrow? WHO does that? Even worse is that she told the world she felt like "a good mom" after doing it as she described the whole ordeal on her blog. A good mom? Really? She can't be serious!
I guess you just have to be extremely vain if you notice that a 3-year-old has a unibrown that needs to be waxed! I have a 3-year-old son and he looks absolutely perfect to me, so I can't imagine doing something so extreme to a preschooler. Plus, what kind of message is she sending her young daughter about looks and beauty?
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What bothers me the most is that from the tone of her post, Farrah seems to think this whole thing is actually funny as she tells how she went about getting rid of little Sophia's unibrow:
So I told Sophia of the little issue on her brow, and I showed her how I waxed mine off, so I tried to wax her. The second a dab hit the unibrow, she touched it with the towel she had in her hand. UHHH so now, wax was in the towel, and I yanked it back ASAP, but fuzz was now stuck to the wax stuck to her unibrow, OMG moment. So now sophia was freaking out, so I had to act like it was a cool science project to get the wax off.
Farrah goes on to say that she had to wait for her daughter to go asleep so she could get her tweezers and pluck the unwanted hairs away! Somebody please tell me this is just a bad joke! Poor little Sophia! I can't believe she has to be exposed to stuff like this and she's only 3. So what's next? Plastic surgery for her nose because it's not straight enough?
Image vía Splash News