The 6 scariest dolls we’ve ever seen! (PHOTOS)

Joining the ranks of the most incredibly creepy dolls of all time are the new zombie dolls! After 2012 saw its fair share of bizarre toys, it looks this next year is going to be no different. This latest eerie toy craze was created by 32-year-old Bean Shanine, owner of The Twisted Bean Stalk Nursery.

Shanine spends up to 8 hours a day making her "zombie babies," which come complete with vampire-ish teeth, pale skin, and–most frightening of all–dead, vacant eyes. Her creations started out as a hobby, turned into a business in 2010 and now, for reasons beyond my comprehension, have actually become a hit. Some of the dolls have even sold for as much as $1,500 to collectors all around the world!

Ugh, why would anyone ever buy these horrifying dolls? They are some of the creepiest things I've ever seen! I literally start shivering just from looking at them. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. It's not the first scary toy to gain popularity. Check out some other infamously creepy kids' dolls here:

Image via The Twisted Bean



Now, the Hugo doll is more of a collector's piece, but it was originally created as a toy for kids in 1975. Just look at those haunting eyes!

Chucky doll


Chucky has been a scary kid's character for years now, but I still get creeped out looking at the various doll versions of him!

Clown doll


Clowns are at the top of my list of phobias…so a clown toy, like this Bozo the Clown ventroliquist doll, is enough to give me nightmares for weeks.

Breastfeeding doll


A breastfeeding doll targeted towards young girls? Seems really strange, not to mention very inappropriate, to me! This one even makes makes suckling noises!

Pregnant doll


This thing is creepy–not in a horror movie way, but in a bizarre, WTF way. The doll itself is not only pregnant (complete with stretch marks and water that really breaks), but it's supposed fetus is pregnant too! Gross!