Worst parenting trends of 2012 (PHOTOS)

This year, parents pulled some truly bizarre stunts on their kids! Whether using Facebook as punishment or naming their babies after social media, it seems like some moms and dads put their poor children through *a lot…*and now that the year is almost over, it's time to call them out! 

With 2012 coming to a close, we're rounding up some of the worst parenting trends of the year and all those who partook in them. Check them out below:

Making kids hold signs as punishment


The fact that this method of punishment (making your child stand on a street and hold a sign that makes their "crime" public) has been so widely used this year just baffles me. It's embarassing, sure, but it's also just pointless.

Facebook for punishment


After their daughter acted disrespectfully, two Wisonsin parents decided to punish her by posting embarrassing photos of themselves on her Facebook wall. Really? What is that going to teach her?

Using your kid for inappropriate viral photo


Putting a baby in the oven like these grandparents did as a joke, making it look like your child is they're holding a beer or putting your kids on other stupid poses and then posting it to Facebook/Twitter/etc is NOT funny. And it could get you in serious trouble.

Buying non-educational,"gendered" toys


Lately, there's been a lot of controversy over gendered toys that gear girls towards stereotypical "female" interests like makeup and cooking and boys towards the opposite. Many of these toys (like fake purses with cosmetics for girls) are kind of advanced for toddlers…but unfortunately, they seem to be popular!

Naming your kid after social media


A social media obsessed couple spurred an online debate when they named their newborn daughter Hashtag Jameson, after the #hashtags on Twitter. __#__Not Cute.