First of all, the minute I read the words "isolation booth" I thought of a prison, not an elementary school. So I couldn't believe my eyes when I found out that not only are isolation booths used in schools around the country, but they're actually perfectly legal depending on the state. The isolation booth currently causing a ruckus in Washington state can be described as a free-standing, small room that is padded, has air holes for ventilation and a metal bar to lock the door from the outside. Does that sound like something that belongs in an elementary school?
My answer is an emphatic NO! But could I be wrong?
The institution in question, Mint Valley Elementary School, claims that the seclusion booth, which they've had for four years, is used for special education students whose parents have given written consent to help calm them down and decompress. In all honesty, I'd never ever heard of such practice. Then again, I don't have a child with special needs, so what do I know.
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The outraged caused by photos of the booth posted by one of the school's parents on their Facebook wall has ended up in a temporary suspension of its use while the school district investigates. Does that mean they were not aware of the use of such a disturbing device? This whole things seems pretty mysterious to me…
The only thing that's clear is that according to Mint Valley Elementary School officials, the isolation booth was never used to punish students for misbehaving–unlike the rumors floating around. I don't know what to believe, but one thing's for sure, I applaud the mom who posted the photos for all to see and I can't wait to see what comes out of this whole ordeal.
Image via KPTV