Adorable chihuahua comforts crying baby

Dogs are just amazing and marvelous creatures__! I'm not a dog owner at the moment, but, boy, do I love dogs.

There's no shortage of dogs for me to admire and play with walking around my neighborhood. I'll even stop by, talk to, and pet dogs waiting for their owners outside of coffee shops or stores. There was one time my son and I sat in Central Park and spent hours dog-watching and laughing at the silly things we noticed about dogs.

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Concensus around the office is that all dog breeds are pretty cute, and many of us have different kinds. But we think chihuahuas are probably genius dogs. I mean, they used to be dogs to Aztec royalty in the past! There's something to be said about these little guys.

I know they get a bad rap sometimes for being yappy and mean (I know one of our staffer's own chihuahua is kind of a beast!), but some are actually pretty chill. Take for example the awesome chihuahua in this video. He tries so hard to comfort a crying baby–with a cookie! He's so selfless, he wants the baby to have his cookie so he can calm down. Tell me it doesn't make you say "Awww."

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