I know that we've come a long way when it comes to technology when I see my 12-year-old niece work a computer program better than I can. Now, I know this for a fact: Toys 'R' Us just unveiled the Tabeo tablet, which is specifically designed for children complete and comes complete with Wi-fi connection and kid-friendly programs. It will be available for purchase October 21. This mini-version of the larger, more expensive tablet will cost you about $150–a bargain compared to the average iPad.
I guess a regular ol'laptop for completing homework and class assignments isn't enough anymore!
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The Tabeo will be specifically constructed for children, complete with a soft "bumper" to protect the hardware and has extended parental control features, which allows parents to monitor when the child can use their tablet and what sites they can browse. In addition to the safety features, if a child visits a site they're not supposed to, parents will receive an e-mail alert. Nice controls!
Talk about state of the art technology for kids! In a way, I think it's a bit unnecessary, since they can get the same access via a laptop or regular desktop. I know that there are valid, practical uses and apps for these tablets, so if you use these as a learning tool, more power to you. Personally, though, I wish kids would play outside more and that parents would try to keep them active. But that may not be realistic all the time.
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In any case, the Tabeo is taking pointers from its soon-to-be competitors such as LeapFrog and Vtech's Innotab, who have also released their own tablets. And although it's catered towards kids, since I can't afford a regular iPad, maybe even I could get some use out of it! Hmmmmm….
What do you think about kids having their own tablet? Tell us in the comments box below!
Image via Toys R Us