I admit: the idea of giving birth really scares me! Though I'm not anywhere close to even thinking about having kids, I know I want to be a mother someday …and I am kind of terrified of what the labor will entail. That's why I am in complete awe of the Texas mom who gave birth to five babies in five minutes!
Carrie and Gavin Jones welcomed three boys and two girls at a local Dallas hospital on Thursday. It took more than 50 specialists, nurses, therapists and technicians to help safely deliver the babies, but thankfully, the quintuplets were all born healthy and now remain in stable condition. Geez, talk about a team effort!
Though the babies will likely remain under supervision for several months until they reach a certain weight and health markers, the couple, who already had one 8-year-old son, are ecstatic to have five healthy and beautiful newborns. "I am so in love with these five tiny bundles of perfection," Carrie wrote on her blog.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 of the craziest places moms have given birth!
Wow, I have to give her so much credit! Carrying and giving birth to one baby is stressful enough, so I can't even imagine how exhausting it must have been to experience that whole process with FIVE little ones–especially considering quintuplets are so rare. In fact, according to the CDC, only about 12 sets are born each year! And though Carrie said she had been using injections to conceive, she did not undergo in vitro, which oftentimes accounts for multiple births….so that must have been one major surprise for the couple!
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I can't help but wonder what their son thinks about the whole thing? It must be kind of cool for him since now he has a team of little sisters and brothers to play with! Regardless, I'm just glad that the mom had such an amazing team of professionals to oversee the birth and that she and her new mini-brood of babies is now doing well.
What do you think of Carrie's experience? Tell us in the comments below!
Image via Jones Family/CNN