How very Latina of the Jersey Shore starlet! The Chilean-born reality show diva tells In Touch magazine that she is going all out for the birth of her first son, Lorenzo, with fiance Jionni LaValle. "I'm packing heels, my leopard-print gown, eyelashes and makeup!" she tells the magazine. "I wanna look good when [my baby] first sees me."
Why are we not surprised!?
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Well, for one, the 24-year-old first-time mom is very well known for her general over-the-top-ness. As any viewer of the show knows (and I am coming out now and admitting that I do watch…bow my head in shame), the girl can't do anything blandly, so why would she start with the birth of her son?
And for us it's not surprising because, as much as we cringe to claim her, this is just soooo Latina of her! I know that ever since I was very young, my mom has engrained in me that I have to dress up, even if I'm just going out to get some eggs at the grocery store. Or in the case of so many of us here at MamásLatinas, our mamis had this irrational insistence that we always wear clean underwear lest we end up at the doctor's office if we somehow got into an accident–don't ask! (I shudder to think what Mami would do to me if she ever found out I walk to the coffee shop Sunday mornings in my chancletas, PJ pants, and–cough, cough–not-so-clean underwear!) All of us, I think, seem to be trained like this.
Well, Snooks, even though you may not fully embrace your Latina-ness, we sure can see it come out sometimes!
Are there any other over-the-top beauty musts that we Latinas are guilty of? Tell us in the comments below!
Image via Splash News