Dealing with a kid's tantrums is frustrating and difficult, especially during the summertime when they are out of school. At some point or another, almost every mom has wished her child would just go to sleep so she could have finally some peace and quiet. I__n this horrible-but-hilarious parody infomercial__, a product called "Naptime!" helps parents achieve just that.
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As can be seen in the over exaggerated but super funny video, Naptime! is "the latest, most effective tool for child tantrum prevention." All you have to do is douse a cloth with the spray and then place it over your child's mouth to put them instantly to sleep. Are warning bells going off in your head right now? They should be because [cut to a doctor shaking his head] yup, the product is made of…chloroform. I know, absolutely terrible right?
OK, obviously that's not a real item! But I still can't help but think wouldn't it be amazing if there really was a product like that?! A non-toxic one, of course! Think of all the much-needed downtime you'd get. Then again, for every bad tantrum, there comes 100 sweet moments—that's called parenting, folks!
Watch the mock commercial here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF_nfazQaek&feature=player_embedded
How do you deal with your kid's tantrums? Tell us in the comments below!
Image via YouTube