Getting kids to spend time outdoors is a priority for all parents…or so I thought. But a new survey has proved that I was very, very wrong. Conducted by L.L. BEAN and the National Park Foundation, the study shows that sixty percent of U.S. parents say their children spend less than an hour outdoors!
What! Shocking, right? I remember growing up I spent every moment I could outside, whether it was going to a local park with my parents or playing in my backyard with my cousins. Having lived in a beach town my whole life, I also spent a fair amount of time playing in the sand and the ocean…in fact, when it's nice out, I still do! So when did that all change? Why did kids suddenly start shunning the sun and sky?
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Part of it is might be school-related, another part might be pure laziness, but I think a huge chunk of the reasoning behind this appalling statistic is due to technology and the plethora of time-sucking activities available these days, like Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Now don't get me wrong– I use these sites daily and totally disagree with those who believe that children shouldn't ever be allowed to use a computer, iPhone, etc. But, I also definitely think that there is a fine line between periodically checking your profiles and wasting away a whole day doing so. And when kids as young as 6 years old are getting their own version of Facebook, it's a problem.
It's one thing for grown adults who spend the majority of their time at work to not see much of the outdoors (as much as I try, even I can't help but collapse on the couch after an especially hard day), but kids should be getting fresh air and remaining as active as possible –and parents need to be doing their part to ensure that this is happening.
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So, no matter how much they whine or complain, make sure your kids (from babies to teens) put down their cells and go outside for a little while every day. There are no excuses, especially now that it's Spring. Play a sport with them, go for a run or a bike ride, anything –it's essential to their healthy life and growth! Plus, going out in the sunshine will also give YOU the chance to unplug, take a much-needed break from the daily grind, and just spend some time bonding with your family. Hey, you might even get that tan you've been craving all winter!
Do you and your children spend time outdoors?
Image via Susan NYC/flickr