My daughter's school has been overdoing it with the bake sales this year and it's making me miserable. Every time, my little one forces me to bake cookies and brownies–not to mention the fact that she constantly asks, "Why can't you be one of the Moms that sells at the bake sale?"
The thing is, I hate bake sales!
It pains me to see how much effort goes into this fundraising event, because at 50 cents to 1 dollar a piece, it's not even worth the trouble. Not to mention the fact that I thought we were fighting a war against childhood obesity here, right? But whatever, I clearly don't call the shots around that school.
There are actually some moms now though that are genuinely enraged at the school because all the birthday celebrations and cookie parties have gotten out of hand. Of course everyone loves sweets, but these events are just contributing to the rise of overweight elementary school students. There has to be other ways out there to raise money.
Let's do the math: How many baked goods does the school have to make in order to raise the money it needs? Why do we spend so much time and effort on something that produces so little results?
It's way too much work. Anyone who's ever baked items for a sale knows this. Even if you like to cook (not my forte) you end up spending all afternoon in the kitchen making cookies and cupcakes and at best your hard work will fetch the school 10 to 20 dollars. It's just not worth it.
There are so many great ways to raise money. I say that instead of wasting time with a school bake-sale, we find an effective fundraiser that's appealing to everyone and brings in enough money to really help. We need to lay off the already hard-working parents and leave sugar out of the picture for once!
How does your school raise money? Am I the only one who hates bake sales?