Rapper Cardi B and her sister, Hennessy Carolina, are being sued for defamation after posting a video of an altercation Hennessy and her girlfriend had with a group of people in the Hamptons over the summer. When Cardi posted the video, she labeled the people "racist MAGA supporters," prompting the defamation suit.
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Hennessy's girlfriend, Michelle Diaz, is also being sued by the plaintiffs, who claim that the women antagonized them while they were enjoying a quiet day at the beach, targeting them because they appeared to be Donald Trump supporters. Hennessy and Michelle, however, allege that it was the other way around and that the plaintiffs started a tiff with them because of their races and sexual preferences.
Cardi wasn't involved in the altercation.
Cardi B herself wasn't present during the actual altercation, which occurred at Smith Point Beach in the Hamptons on September 6. However, she posted a video of the incident on her Instagram page, where she has nearly 76 million followers.
The plaintiffs say Hennessy and Michelle initiated the incident.
Plaintiffs Peter Caliendo, Pauline Caliendo, and Manuel Alarcon claim that Hennessy and Michelle blocked their car near Smith Point Beach and that Hennessy began filming the interaction and "shouting foul and threatening language and defamatory statements." They are suing Hennessy for assault and battery and suing all three defendants for defamation of character and violating civil rights to privacy.
They describe her as using "threatening" and "foul" language.
The suit claims that Hennessy "sprayed her copious spittle upon said plaintiffs as she raged," and that she used a slew of expletives and intimidating language, including calling them "racist" and telling them that she has "9.5 million" followers.
Both Hennessy and Cardi posted the video online.
Both Cardi and Hennessy shared the video on their Instagram accounts, labeling the plaintiffs "racist MAGA supporters," but the lawsuit says the famous sisters edited the video "to remove portions thereof, and thereby hold plaintiffs in a false light, so as to tend to expose and in fact expose each plaintiff to public contempt, ridicule and disgrace and harm," according to Billboard.com.
Hennessy's story completely contradicts the plaintiffs' description.
Cardi, Hennessy, and Michelle have a completely different story, claiming that Hennessy and Michelle were being harassed by the plaintiffs because of where their car was parked and because they were reacting to the way they were being treated by the plaintiffs. Now it will be left up to a court to decide what actually went down in the he-said/she-said altercation.
The explicit video is still on Cardi's Twitter account.
Since the video was originally posted on Cardi's and Hennessy's Instagram stories, it's no longer available there, but Cardi also posted it to her Twitter account, where she said, "harassing my sis GF all because they are a Afro/Hispanic gay couple."
All of the plaintiffs' faces can be seen in detail, and everything that was said between the parties can be heard very clearly, which should make for compelling evidence in the case.