I don’t know about you, but I’m over here living my best bilingual life. That means that sometimes I want to express myself in English, other times only Spanish will do, and Spanglish is always an option. The language I choose to express myself in also depends on the person I’m expressing myself to. Like if I want to give my mom a Valentine’s Day card, I’m going to write it in Spanish for her because that’s the language we speak to each other in and that’s her preferred language.
More from MamásLatinas: DIY Valentine’s Day cards they’ll fall in love with
The thing is that even though Spanish was my first language because I don’t use it as much as English, I get all avergonzada and stuff when trying to express myself poetically en español. I know I’m not alone in this, so I thought I’d put together a list of awesome quotes in Spanish that are perfect for Valentine’s Day. I chose a variety of romantic and non-romantic quotes because I’m all about diversity in everything. Check ’em out and share the love!
Love really is a form of poetry.

“Love is the poetry of the senses,” said French playwright and novelist Honoré de Balzac and he’s not wrong. I would never describe love as an essay of the senses, that’s for sure. It’s far too fluid and inexplicable to be so structured.
What's in a kiss?

“In one kiss, you’ll know all I haven’t said,” is a line from a Pablo Neruda poem. Imagine declaring your love to someone with this simple phrase. It’s beautiful and could possibly lead to one kiss that says all you haven’t said.
Love is always the answer.

“Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence,” according to the very wise Erich Fromm. Love is truly everything and the only reason to be as far as I’m concerned. I’m not sure why we forget that love is the answer to every problem.
Love isn't about clipping anyone's wings.

“And one thing I can swear: I, who fell in love with your wings, will never want to cut them off,” Frida Kahlo professed. How many of us can honestly say the same thing to our love?
Friendships are their own kind of love stories.

“A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart,” Gabriel García Márquez shared. I love this quote because friendships are some of my favorite love stories. We get so caught up in romantic love and forget that friendships are one of life’s greatest joys.
Short and sweet.

Telling someone you love that they are poetry is profoundly beautiful. It’s like telling them that they are lyrical art that speaks to your heart and soul. Don’t be shy about expressing your admiration.
For that friend who will always be a friend.

“True friendship withstands time, distance, and silence,” explains Isabel Allende. If you are blessed to have that kind of friend in your life, then you know that they are a treasure.
Sometimes words fail.

“Words never reach, when what you have to say overflows the soul.” Preach, Julio Cortázar! Sometimes words just aren’t enough to express what you feel, but they are a start and can be used to hint at the enormity of your feelings.
When you are feeling intensely.

Telling someone that they are in your skin and soul is pretty intense, but since when is love not intense? Be dramatic and let your special someone know that you carry them with you wherever you go.
I agree with this circular logic.

It’s circular logic to tell someone that if you haven’t known them, you haven’t lived and therefore, if you die without knowing them, you haven’t died because you haven’t lived. Normally, I’m not into circular logic, but this makes perfect sense on a romantic level.
For the person that makes the world make sense.

We might not always understand our faults and failures, but how blessed are those of us who can be in the arms of someone that somehow makes the world make sense? Everything else might be chaos, but when you are with them, the chaos stops.
The power of a kiss.

Octavio Paz wrote that “the world is born when two people kiss,” and I get it. If you get it, too, and you have a person in your life that helped you birth the world when you kissed, then you should share these words with them.
When the universe conspired to bring you together.

Sometimes it feels like so many magical things had to happen to bring your love into your life—like the entire universe conspired to have two strangers come together and fall in love. That’s a beautiful thing worth celebrating.
This would go perfectly with a bottle of wine.

A card that expresses that nothing is more noble than a good bottle of aged wine shared with a twin soul is a great way to get your loved one to share the nice bottle of wine you are gifting them. It’s a win-win!
A clever way to tell someone you want to be in their story for life.

We’re all the main characters in our own life and if we’re very lucky, we get to be the supporting characters in someone else’s life. If you take your supporting role seriously, why not tell that special someone that as long as there is life, you should keep being in each other’s story.