Mother's Day is literally right around the corner, which means our families are rushing around for our last-minute gifts. Cool, but how are we as mothers going to celebrate ourselves? Every mom deserves a day of indulgence and pampering on this special holiday and please know that you don't have to wait for someone else to give you permission or gift you with anything, because you can totally pamper yourself and gift yourself with self-care and self-love. Give yourself time to breathe and enjoy what you've accomplished as a mom.
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There are so many ways for you to celebrate what a big deal you are. And you are a big deal so no playing small, no pretending that you don't deserve to be proud of all the many ways that you come through for your family every single day. This Mother's Day, relax without any guilt whatsoever and give yourself some TLC with these quick and simple ideas and self-care tips. That's right mama, it's time to treat yo' self!
Stop to smell the flowers.

Let's face it, we rarely have free time. Moms are constantly on the move and rarely stop to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Take a few minutes on your special day to literally stop and smell the flowers. Floral smells are proven to boost our mood, so sniff on!
Take a nap.

Pass your husband or family member your to-do list and go tuck yourself in! Change your bed sheets and make sure you grab your softest set. Put on your favorite comfy clothes and slip into nap heaven! Avoid setting a timer to make it extra indulgent.
Do your nails.

Perhaps you won't get a full day in the spa, but who says you can't treat yourself at home? Start by doing your nails or going to your local nail salon. It will remind you of the old days when you had all the time in the world to pamper yourself!
Go for a walk.

Find a way to carve out an hour or so to yourself and go on a scenic walk alone. Walking helps your mental well-being and refreshes you emotionally. Not to mention, it's great exercise that you can do at your own pace, it feels pleasurable, and it doesn't cost a penny.
Make your own face mask.

Who doesn't want great skin on Mother's Day? Get your best glow in family photos by mixing up your own DIY face mask. A great one is this milk mask made with 1/4 cup powdered milk and enough water to create a paste. Rub on, relax for about 15 minutes, then rinse.
Enjoy a date night.

Sometimes, as moms, we feel obligated to spend Mother's Day with our kids, but you can also spend time away from your kids. Why not mark the special occasion by making the evening a date night with your partner? You can even do the date night at home after the kids have settled down for the evening.
Don't check email.

Making more time to do the things you love and giving your body more TLC is easier once you unplug. Don't check email or work-related text messages throughout the day. The emails and texts aren't going to disappear. They will be ready and waiting when you are done pampering yourself for the day.
Enjoy a bubble bath.

It is all about the bubbly! Get your favorite bath oil out and pour yourself a glass of champagne, a cup of tea, or whatever you desire. Play your favorite relaxing music and lock the bathroom door. Make sure your family uses the bathroom before you start your session so you can have at least an hour to yourself to soak and relax.
Go shopping.

We usually get showered with gifts on Mother's Day, but what if you got to pick gifts that you actually wanted? Take a quick shopping trip on your own or do it online and buy yourself something that only you would pick out for yourself.
Enjoy guilt-free chocolate.

Forget counting the calories! Pick up your favorite chocolate and be sure to enjoy all of the pieces your heart desires. You only live once, and this is your day! We're not recommending you do this every day, but Mother's Day seems like the perfect day to have your way with chocolate. Add some wine to the mix if that's your jam. Bonus points if someone you love is feeding you the chocolate!
Make time for your favorite workout.

Whether it's swimming, yoga, or running, make sure to take 20 or 30 minutes out of your day to get your body moving. The endorphins will leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. Remember that you are being nice to yourself so maybe don't do a workout you hate and instead pick one that makes you feel happy. FYI, dancing counts as a workout, too.
Write in your journal.

How often do you make time to write down your thoughts or get creative on paper? Take 20 minutes for a writing exercise and your mind will feel just as pampered as your body. Journaling is a great way to cultivate a beautiful relationship with yourself.
Write yourself a letter of appreciation.

Guess who knows everything you do as a mother? You and you alone. No one else knows how much effort and thought you put into being a mother. Take some time to write yourself a letter congratulating and appreciating yourself. Be specific. Write about how proud you are of yourself. It's important to acknowledge all the ways in which you excel as a mother and no one has a better idea of that than you do.
Ask for what you actually want.

When your family asks you what you want for Mother's Day, tell them! Don't just say, "Oh, whatever you do will be fine." Sure, it will be fine, but if there is something you would really like that is within their means to give you, then just ask for it. Stop depriving yourself of things you can actually have.
Forgive yourself.

As mothers we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and we aren't very forgiving of ourselves when we make mistakes. The thing is that we will make mistakes and sometimes we'll want to beat ourselves up mercilessly for those mistakes. This Mother's Day, take a moment to be with yourself and forgive yourself for any mistakes you have made as a parent and vow to continue doing your best and leading with love.