Once upon a time, workers everywhere wished they could work from home. Ahhh, the dream of rolling out of bed and going to work without having to deal with a commute seemed ideal. To be able to work in pajamas all day! To take a nap in the middle of the day! Working from home was the dream, until … cue the ominous music … everyone woke up and their dream had come true. Everyone who wasn't an essential worker was asked to work from home and the dream got way too real. So real, that hilarious work-from-home memes that everyone who works from home could relate to.
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Thank goodness for the internet, because as more of us find ourselves working from home whether we want to or not, the internet keeps us connected and feeling we're not quite so alone. We can laugh at the challenges we are all facing individually. Those of us who have a bit of time on our hands or just want to avoid doing what we should be doing with our time, make memes that the rest of us share.
Then there are those of us who like to gather up all the hilarious memes and share them in bulk because why laugh once when we can laugh over and over. Here are some of the funniest work-from-home memes that we've come across so far. They are bound to give you chuckle. As you know, memes are meant to be shared, so don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling compelled to share these.
You start off with the best intentions.

You get up, you get dressed, you are determined to be professional and look the part. Plus, you have all these nice clothes that deserve to be worn and gosh darn it, you are going to wear them. Oh, and you are going to do the whole makeup thing too because that's how you do.
The second day is when things get real.

You think to yourself, "What exactly am I trying to prove? No one can even see me and what's the point? Ain't nobody got time to be getting dressed to stay home all day."
When you are supposed to be listening, but you're not.
Oh, sure, you nod your head a lot, but you ain't listening. You've got the mute on so they can't hear what's going on where you are and you've completely tuned out on what they are saying. But you can always blame not knowing what they are talking about on a bad connection. Dang internet!
Be careful what you ask for!

Sure, working from home sounds like a great idea when you want the option to do it more often. But when it's the only option available, you start to get a little loopy. Hang in there!
Maybe we should all cover our cameras just to be safe.

It's awful when you have no intention of being on camera and then you realize you accidentally turned the camera on. You weren't ready to be seen. You don't know how you will recover. Just say nothing and turn that camera off as soon as possible.
When you work from home and live with your mom.

Whether you live with your mom or your suegra, you know they think they're in charge. Maybe you should start directing any work complaints to them. How funny would that be?
Mastering the art of business on top and only on top.

As long as the part that gets seen during a virtual conference looks professional, anything goes from the waist down. Is this what newscasters have been doing all along? We could get really used to this.
Fortunately, you're a natural beauty.

You can go from sleeping to being on a Zoom meeting in 30 seconds flat. Maybe just don't turn on the camera so that your co-workers don't see that your look of the day, your look of every day is "I just rolled out of bed." Not that you don't look great.
Sometimes you put in a little effort.

You're not always just rolling out of bed before getting to work. Sometimes you get up a whole five minutes before so that you have time to get ready. On those days, you feel really proud of yourself.
Not all jobs can be done from home.

For example, construction workers. That's a difficult job to do from home. That's when you bust out the Lego set and start putting them together with concrete, we guess.
Actual footage of an architect working from home.

OK, not really, but it's fun to imagine. Architects do build models of their buildings so we imagine they can still do that from home. But no more seeing the site they will be building on in person.
Working from home equipment for bankers.

Dust off those old Monopoly sets and get ready play banker at home. Get ready to hand out $200 every time someone passes GO! Consider that part of a work-from-home stimulus disbursement.
Work-from-home swimmers without a swimming pool have to make do.

It's not ideal, but what you gonna do when you can't get to the pool? Imagine this guy's family constantly knocking on the door and asking, "What is taking so long?" His annoyed response, "I'm working!"
Work-from-home divers have it even worse!

It's one thing to have to try and swim in the bathtub, but where's a diver supposed to practice. You know things have gone to ish if you're considering using the toilet for anything other than ish. Disclaimer: Please don't try this at home.
If you live with a lifeguard, you'll get no privacy at bathtime.

Hmm, working from home for railroad employees might not be so bad.

It's not ideal for the actual trains and tracks, but it sure could be fun for the employees. Everyone could play conductor even if they aren't actually a conductor. Your home would be filled with "Toot! Toot!" sounds every so often.
If firefighters had to work from home, they'd be so bored.

Firefighters are essential workers, so they continue to work the way they normally do. If they had to work from home, the excitement involved in their workdays would plummet. Every time you turned on the stove or lit a match, they'd perk up.
Zoom audio only versus Zoom with video meeting.

How accurate is this meme? It's like every single one of us who ever has to do Zoom meetings. We look completely different depending on whether the Zoom meeting requires us to be on video or not.
This one is wicked, but funny.

No, we do not condone anyone being a stalker, but this meme made us laugh. A work-from-home stalker being forced to stalk themselves is too much. How creepy is it that the reflection in the mirror isn't of the stalker's face?
Beware of archaeologists working from home.

Archaeologists gotta dig, so you can't blame them for digging. But if they gotta dig from home, you might end up with no floors in the place. Too funny.