Beauty is in the eye of the beholder it's true, but there are some things that tend to be seen as beautiful by most. Now, when we're talking about tattoos it's safe to say that some subject matters will be more appealing to, say, your abuela than others. And since we have a soft spot for abuelas, we've gathered a collection of tattoos so beautiful even abuela would approve of them.
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We're not trying to say that abuela will all of a sudden turn into a huge tattoo fan and run off to go get her own. We're just saying that these tattoos are so lovely that it's near impossible to disapprove of the subject matter or the execution of them.
Be warned that you may end up wanting to get one or more of these yourself! And who could blame you when they're all so dang pretty? Not us! We won't judge and trust us, neither will abuela. Or we hope she won't! Now, click this way to see what we're talking about.
This one is a lovely ocean scene in a heart.

How can abuela not love this pretty ocean scene encased in a heart? Especially when "en el mar la vida es más sabrosa."
A butterfly is a beautiful a reminder of change.

A reminder that we are all a work in progress just like the caterpillar that ends up turning into a butterfly.
Flowers on your back are pretty perfect.

Another lovely heart motif enhanced with flowers. The placement also allows for easy hiding if you don't want it to show.
A sweet moon tattoo is so meaningful.

You may not be able to reach into the sky and hold the moon in your hand, but you can imagine what it would be like.
Don't you just heart this particular bouquet?!

A lovely floral arrangement that will never go out of style.
This multifaceted heart is precious.

This is a total gem of a tattoo and you know it!
A prickly heart can mean so much.

OK, so hearts are kind of a thing, but as you can see here there are so many ways to personalize them.
You could also just go for a nopal.

A potted cactus that never needs watering.
This bunch of flowers is unforgettable.

These pretty blossoms are forget-me-nots.
Sometimes life gives you lemons for inspiration.

You can totally use those lemons to make lemonade and you can even use one as inspiration for body art.
¡Es un corazón con ojo!

Are you thinking "Eye heart this tattoo" or something along those lines?
Oh my gatos, this tat is adorable!

A kitty mid-stretch is hard to dislike.
Roses behind your ear make for a gorgeous tattoo.

These beauties will never wilt.
This pinky promise will never be forgotten.

Makes you wonder what the promise is, doesn't it?
Diamonds are forever and so is this baby.

And a diamond ring tattoo is for a lifetime.
Finally, a key that is impossible to misplace.

This baby will always be with you. It's up to you to decide what it unlocks.
How can abuela object to this one?

Even if abuela is absolutely opposed to tattoos, there is no way her heart won't melt if the tattoo is a loving tribute to her.
How about abuela and pan dulce?

A winning combination if ever there was one.
Get your own little cacti garden.

Who wouldn't love to have a garden on the go?
Kitchen, balance and love go well together.

Every abuela knows that the heart of the home is the kitchen.
Who dis cutie on a branch?

Dis a new owl tattoo, that's who!
A celestial anklet is delicate and pretty.

Hang the stars, moon and sun on your pretty ankle.
Who says body art can't be tasteful?

A tasteful tasty tattoo is one way to prove them wrong.
You know you're totally EXTRA, right?

That's why an avocado tattoo is perfect because guac is always EXTRA.
DAYUM, look at that mango.

It's fresh and so are you.
Do you know why pineapples are the royalty of fruit?

It's because they wear a crown on their head.
Why choose between a mango and a pineapple when you can have both?

You could get one of each or half of each.
When it comes to fruit, you don't have to play favorites.

Think about it, why pick one fruit when you can have them all?
The flash on this camera will never go off, promise.

A picture-perfect camera for photography lovers makes for a delightful design.
The sad truth is that some wounds never heal.

A curita that will never fall off is a great way to illustrate that truth and it's super cute.