Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump debate: 10 sad, sad moments

The debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton left me desperate for a shower and with a deep need to vote. There were many ugly and scary moments that highlighted even more how important it is that we all get involved. This is not the time to be silent. See for yourself.

More from MamásLatinas: 10 Things you need to know to understand the debate between Clinton and Trump

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Bill Clinton accusers


These women are Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick. The first two said that President Bill Clinton had assaulted them sexually and that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton not only knew about it but that attacked them as well. The third one said that he raped her, although she recanted legally that statement and then changed her mind.

Trump had a Facebook Live with them before the debate. The purpose was to show how while he had bragged about his inappropiate behavior towards women in a 2005 video, it was only talk. President Clinton actually did those things, they said.

Hillary Clinton didn't fall for the trap but Bill Clinton didn't look good.


Chelsea Clinton didn't look that comfortable either and who can blame them? However, this move only reiterated how low the Trump campaign was willing to go and how unflappable Secretary Clinton is. I mean, can you imagine if in your next job interview you had to face some of the people that have hurt and embarrassed you the most?

To that I can only add: Bill Clinton is not running for office.

No hand shake--who can blame Hillary?


It must have taken a lot to walk into that debate room and be near Trump. While during the first presidential debate the candidates did shake hands, the mood was totally different for this one. You could feel the tension and animosity even through the screen.

It would have been funny, if it wasn't so serious.

According to Donald Trump, "nobody has more respect for women than I do," he said when Anderson Cooper tried to get him to talk about bragging about sexual assault. At some other point he called himself a "gentleman". Surreal!

And then the insults started flying.


He called her "the devil," said that she "should be ashamed of herself," insisted on her "bad judgement," called her a liar and in top of that, Donald Trump said something even more shocking that what he has said so far … Seriously!

Trump started talking like a dictator.

Even before former Attorney General Eric Holder tweeted how ilegal something like that would be, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I come from a country where political opponents are jailed. Never in a million years did I think I would hear something like that from an American presidential candidate.

Now, Trump surrogates are saying it was a joke! Did it sound like a joke to you? “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception,” Trump said to Clinton during Sunday’s presidential debate, referring to her use of a private email server as Secretary of State. “We’re going to have a special prosecutor."

"It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country," Clinton said in response.

"Because you’d be in jail,” Trump answered back.

Although she reminded us of Michelle Obama's phrase, "When they go low we go high", Clinton went nasty too.


Not that I blame her though. Some of the things she said went like this

Okay, Donald, I know you’re into big diversion tonight…Anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it’s exploding and the way Republicans are leaving you.

What we all saw and heard on Friday was Donald talking about women, what he thinks about women, what he does to women. And he has said that the video doesn’t represent who he is, but I think it’s clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is.

Not much was said on the issues and zero on immigration reform.

They talked a little bit about health care (he would kill Obamacare, she would reform it), taxes (he would offer tax cuts to the richest Americans, she would increase them), foreign policy (Donald Trump aligned himself with murderous Sirian dictator Bashar Hafez al-Assad and Russia's Vladimir Putin, although he admitted to know nothing about "the inner works of Russia," she explained her plans with some detail.)

However, other than to say that more drugs come to the U.S. from Mexico than any other time in history (a lie), the Southern border and the wall weren't mentioned by Trump or Secretary Clinton.

Immigrants were not mentioned except when Trump talked about "criminal aliens".


They did shake hands at the end, but is there enough hand sanitizer?


That's what I would have been thinking if I was Hillary Clinton.

The creepy hovering was too much.

Richard Punko/Twitter

I don't know if he was trying to intimidate her or somebody told him that he needed to be in every angle, but it was weird and kind of stalkery. As you can see, I wasn't the only one to think that. There are many memes like this one going around online.