10 Reasons why getting older is actually a GREAT thing

Getting older is often seen as a nuisance. Our backs start to hurt, our hair thins out, our energy starts to fade, but the truth is that it's not all bad. In fact, there are some truly amazing things about turning another year older that we're all probably taking for granted. From fewer migraines to a tighter friend group, here are 10 reasons why getting older is actually the best thing ever. 

More from MamásLatinas: Avoid these 7 evil foods that make you look older

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There's way less drama in your life.


The truth of the matter is that as you get older, your patience starts to fade. When you're younger, it's easy to get involved in friend or coworker drama and to listen to what everyone has to say. These days, though, as you get older, you simply shake it off and decide to just not get involved for your own peace of mind.

You have no time or mental energy for stress.


One of the best things about getting older is realizing what's important, and mental health is definitely at the top of that list. Just as with drama, stress is quick to disappear as you age. It's not that things don't stress you out, but minor stressors simply roll off your back.

You stop caring about what others think about you.


It's great to be looked up to, but worrying about what people are saying about you? Forget it! It's not that you don't care, it's that you know that what's most important is being you–-and not letting other people's opinions affect you negatively.

You actually physically sweat less.


It's true! Your body will actually sweat less as you get older. That's because your sweat glands become smaller and less sensitive, but be careful! This can cause some heat stress, so make sure that you're staying well hydrated when working out. YAY for less pit stains!

You get more comfortable in your own skin.


When we're younger, it's all about the diet. It's not that staying or getting thin stops to be a worry, but we DO get more comfortable in our own skin as we get older. The truth is, the more we live with our body, the more we come to love it.

Your migraines are lighter and last less time.


The bad news is that women are actually more susceptible to migraines when we're younger, but the good news is that this starts to go away as we age. Although they can keep rising for a while, once you start to hit menopause, they will likely shorten and maybe even completely disappear.

Your friend circle gets closer.


When we're younger, it's awesome to constantly make new friends. That can also often lead to drama. As we age, friendships change and some friends fall away. It can be sad, but it's natural. Don't worry–true friends will be there forever.

You're a ladyboss in your career or family life.


Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or rocking the corporate world, your life is going to start falling into place as you get older. Sure, there can be hiccups here and there, but you'll start to learn and adjust better.

Dressing for comfort becomes WAY more important.


Our tacones are NEVER going to go out of style or be shoved in the back of the closet, but we're certainly going to get a bit more comfortable as we get older. Those heels won't be worn quite as often. Comfort over style? Never. But comfort with style? Yes, please!

You're pretty settled at home.


Thankfully, as we get older, home life begins to calm down. As our kids age, our mortgage gets paid off, our career stabilizes and our relationship gets into a comfort zone. Yes, that may sound boring at times, but it also brings a lovely and quiet peace of mind to home life.