In marriage there are no guarantees. Divorce rates in the United States are often cited to be around 40 to 50 percent, which means many marriages just don't last the test of time. The good news is that divorce rates from the 70's and 80's have actually decreased. If the trend continues, two thirds of marriages will not end in divorce. Here are some signs that your marriage will last.
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You trust each other.
Obvious, right? Trust is built and maintained throughout a relationship. Lies and deceit wear it down. A marriage without trust is in trouble.
You consider yourselves a team.
Meaning you have each other's back, cheer and support each other.
You forgive and get forgiven.
Couples fight, that's a given. Couples that are in it for the long haul admit to their mistakes and forgive each other.
You show each other love daily.
You don't take each other for granted and do little things like give each other goodbye besitos or say I love you daily.
You talk to each other and not just about appointments or bills.
Communication is important, but it also matters what you talk about. Share things that interest you and keep you interested in each other.
You dream and hope for the future together.
Dreams and hopes are future based and sharing them with your spouse implies that you envision a lifetime together.
You are each other's anchor and go-to.
Good news–you want to tell each other first. Bad news–you want to tell each other first. You're his emergency contact and he is yours.
You are financially compatible.
Money is considered to be one of the leading causes of tension in a marriage. If you and your spouse see eye-to-eye on spending, saving and other money issues, then that's less stress on the marriage.
You meet each other's needs in the bedroom.
You don't have to be constantly going at it like rabbits, but it's important to understand and meet each other's needs in that area.
You both have interests outside the relationship.
Your spouse isn't supposed to be your everything or fulfill your every need. Having interests and a social life outside of the relationship is healthy.