What's the key to a happy marriage? Some say it's honesty and others say it's open communication. However, the latest study says it's gratitude! It's not always easy to be thankful for all those, ahem, annoying habits he (or you) may have. Here are 8 silly, little things that you should be grateful for in your love life. And don't forget to say "thanks, baby"!
Read more ¿Qué más? 12 Signs your man may be cheating on you
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His Way-Too-Scruffy Beard

Sometimes all that hair just gets on my nerves! Ahhhhhh… but, well, it's kind of adorable too, isn't it?
Bad Singing in the Shower

If he can do it, I can do it! We all have our moments when we just have to belt it out, and having a duet partner can be quite fun.
Coming Home to a Hug

Nothing is better after a long, hard day than coming home to your sweetie and getting a really nice, BIG hug. And maybe a besito, too.
Leaving Dirty Socks on the Floor

UGH, it's so very, very annoying to have to pick up his dirty laundry and constantly nag him… but then he takes out the trash, right?
When His Eyes Glaze Over

AGAIN?! He's not listening to me AGAIN?! Well, instead of getting annoyed, I take this opportunity to suddenly tickle him. Bwahaha!
Letting Go of... Gas

I don't know about you, but my man often finds it, ahem, FUNNY, to be gassy in front of me. Once in a while, I remind him that girls can do it, too!
Never Bringing the Right Thing Home

I asked him to pick up some bananas and avocados, and one is too ripe and the other isn't ripe enough. Guess which is which…
Never Having to Shave Your Legs

The beauty of HIS scruffy beard is that YOU can do the same, too. Let's all admit it: shaving your legs becomes, well, not a top priority.