Donald Trump is at it again–and in the worst way possible. The GOP front-runner kicked Jorge Ramos out of his press conference in Iowa Tuesday evening. Yes, Trump ejected our most loved and respected eight-time Emmy Award-winning reporter for having the nerve to challenge his divisive rhetoric and ask meaningful questions about Trump's immigration politics.
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Sadly, Trump's bullying didn't end there. He allowed Ramos back into the room to ask more questions and the cringe-worthy mayhem continued. Watch the videos for more proof that Trump is far from diplomatic and unfit to even run for the presidency.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQzSUx-eLDc
In the clip above, Ramos attempts to ask Trump about his plan to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Trump responds, "Sit down." Ramos answers back, "I have the right to ask a question," in which Trump replies, "No you don't. Go back to Univision." He claimed not to know who Ramos was, but clearly he knows a thing or two about the network he's suing for $500 million over the Miss Universe debacle.
In all of its distasteful glory, Trump's actions represent how he sees Latinos in the U.S. We should be deported, silenced and kept in the background. If he has the nerve to bully and disrespect one of the most acclaimed and influential Latino journalists in our country, what is he capable of with us average folks? The GOP may be hoping to attract a larger share of the Latino vote, but I don't see that happening with this fool holding the mic. According to recent Gallup poll numbers, a whopping 65% of Latinos view Trump as an unfavorable presidential candidate. No surprise there.
After allowing Ramos back into the media room, he proceeds to talk down to him, and as a result, makes himself look like an even bigger fool. When Ramos asks specifics about how he would erect a 1900-mile long border, Trump goes on about what an amazing "manager" and "builder" he is. He says, "Can I tell you what's more complicated? What's more complicated is building a building that's 95 stories tall."
Sure, Trump. That's more complicated. Maybe you should stick to building buildings instead of running a country. Sit down, por favor.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbIT7Jfj9jw
Wondering what was going on in the hallway while Ramos waited to be allowed back into the media room? This disturbing video shows just that.
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