It's inevitable, we all turn into our mothers sooner or later, but what we fail to realize or notice as often is that we are also turning into our abuelas. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Turns out that abuelas are totally hip and have always known what's up, it just takes us a while to catch up.
Read more ¿Qué Más?: Our Abuelas were hipsters WAY before their time! (PHOTOS)
Here are 10 signs you are turning into your abuela. I say, don't fight it, embrace it.
1. You keep a shawl handy because you never know when your shoulders might get cold.
2. Your hipster glasses look just like hers.
3. Knitting has become your favorite craft.
4. You grow your own herbs and plants in old coffee cans with pride. In fact, you even think they look pretty in those Bustelo cans.
5. You use tea bags more than once and when you can't make tea with them anymore you put them on your eyes as a beauty treatment.
6. You find yourself complaining about how kids nowadays have no manners. I mean, don't they teach these kids any manners in school?
7. You realize that granny panties get a bad rap. They don't have too be ugly just because they provide full coverage.
8. You've discovered the wonders of hard candy. Seriously, when did butterscotch candies start tasting so good? You better carry some in your purse at all times.
9. You gasp whenever you see anyone out with wet hair. Don't they know they are asking to get sick?
10. Every day around 3 p.m., you get a craving for pan dulce, the cafecito goes without saying.
Image via franciscoiurcovich/Flickr