Jade Kilburg is your average 17-year-old teen on the inside, but on the outside, she is in a wheelchair with severe brain damage and she can't talk. She was born with cytomegalovirus and because of that she suffered a severe stroke which damaged a big portion of her brain. She loves school and her friends and that love paid off when she was voted homecoming queen by the entire Maquoketa High School in Iowa.
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Jade is the brightest star in high school and is loved by everyone. Even though she can't speak, she communicates with her many friends by moving her arms, head and by laughing. According to her many friends she is the best listener and she always has a kind gesture ready for them. One of her friends said that Jade loves boys, music, dancing, makeup and cute clothes just like any girl. This is just beautiful and warms my heart because kids in that school know that there's more to a person than just their appearance.
Her parents are overwhelmed with joy that others see in their sweet daughter what they've always witnessed. They knew she was accepted by everyone at school, but they didn't know to what extent. They are over the moon with happiness and are living the dream! Their precious Jade drove on a convertible through the streets of the town next to the homecoming king as everyone cheered them. What a beautiful story! These kids are an amazing example and I'm happy we all got to meet them. The crown king Cale Gent said that Jade "loves to dance. She loves her 360 spin at a 45 degree tilt." So sweet!
I'm definitely going to share this beautiful story with my teenage daughter because it's a great lesson. Teenage girls tend to worry about their looks and other superficial things which at the end of the day are irrelevant. The homecoming crown was always been reserved for the most popular girl and that's why I'm loving this twist!
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/t0CJtb_oSHM
Image via Corbis