How would you deal with it if your son wanted to wear a dress out in public? I mean out and about to parties and hikes and just about anywhere? Well, you, I and everyone should deal with it the way that Seth Menachem deals with it.
The way he deals with the fact that his 2-year-old boy, Asher, likes to wear dresses just like his 4-year-old sister, Sydney is an example to us all.
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Menacham writes, "most days my son is dressed like Sofia the First, or some Disney princess." Why? Because Asher loves dresses and wants to wear dresses in public. So Seth lets him. Sure he might have fought it at first, but then he stopped. Why? He says, "I suddenly realized I was fighting for something I didn't even believe in. I was making my kid feel badly for something he shouldn't be ashamed of." WORD!
Let's take a minute to absorb that, shall we? Why make a child feel ashamed of something they shouldn't be ashamed of? Because other unevolved idiots are going to judge? Screw them! They are going to judge anyway.
Mecacham lets Asher wears dresses in public and sure sometimes he gets grief for it. He's had people say things like "You wanted another daughter?" or "You want him to be gay?" SIGH!
Mecacham takes the ignorace in stride and explains that cross dressing does not lead to being gay and that furthermore if his son is gay, nothin' wrong with that, either. Do you see why I love this dad so much? Not only does the man let his son wear a dress, he knows what's up and shares it with those who don't, even if they don't get it.
I sincerely wish that every child was blessed with parents like this. Oh, I'm sure that Mecham is not perfect. I'm sure there are times when he drives his wife crazy. Maybe he pees on the bathroom floor or he over-reacts to something his kids do, but when it comes to how he deals with his 2-year-old son wanting to wear dresses—as far as that is concerned he is PERFECT!
Image via sethmenachem/Instagram