If you don't believe in miracles, that might change after you hear this heart-felt story about a baby born after a lightning strike. Kendra Villanueva was hit by a lightning bolt a year ago when she was still pregnant with her baby girl, Kimberly.
Doctors had to perform an emergency C-section and you'll never guess how her daughter is doing one year after the incident!
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It's amazing baby Kimberly even survived that emergency birth. "Everybody we've seen says it's a miracle she's alive," the one-year-old's dad told KOAT. It all happened on July 4, 2013 when a storm hit Albuquerque, New Mexico. Villanueva and her husband were trying to hide under a tree, but a lightning bolt still managed to strike on both of them. Could you imagine? The two worried that the baby wouldn't survive and Villanueva was immediately rushed to the hospital where doctors performed an emergency C-section. No one thought Kimberly would live but she did!
Though she did suffer some neurological damage that means she can't crawl or sit up on her own or eat without a tube, both Villanueva are Gordon are just happy to see their baby alive. Who wouldn't be? And let me tell you girl, this baby is a cutie pie. She has the most adorable face, the biggest smile and a head full of light brown hair that stands straight up like it's been charged by static electricity, another side effect from the lightning strike. Doctors don't know if her static hair will remain permanent or if she'll ever be able to eat, sit or crawl normally. But her parents are taking things one step at a time. "She's kind of a play-it-by-ear baby," Gordon told KOAT.
I'm still in awe and complete shock that this baby was even able to survive that birth. How in the world did that lightning strike not kill her? It just goes to show that anything is possible in this world and I can't help but believe that with time this miracle baby will live a normal life!
Image via KOAT